One of the main headlines to come out of this past Monday’s Raw was the Survivor Series match between Team Punk and Team Foley. Even though Foley won’t be competing, he’s still an important factor in this match. Much like Paul Heyman in Team Punk. Since Foley is returning in a semi-active role again, I’ve decided to make this a Mick Foley edition of “Remember When.”

Do you remember when Foley was “Lost in Cleveland”?

It was WCW April 1993. Cactus Jack (Foley) was facing then WCW Champion Vader in a one-on-one match. During the match, Vader powerbombed Jack on the concrete floor which resulted Jack to land on his head causing a concussion and loss of feeling in his left foot. While Foley was out of action, WCW run an angle where Foley was institutionalized, escaped, and developed amnesia. A reporter was sent to cover the story. She went to the hospital where Jack was last seen and eventually ended up in some back alley in Cleveland where a fan letter stated Jack was at.

While in that alley, the reporter came across a guy named Swampy who lead her to a clean shaven Jack who was speaking in a philosophical manner. Despite the efforts of the reporter from trying to explain who Jack is to even bringing in his wife and son.

Foley has stated that he wanted the storyline to be serious so the fans could have sympathy for him upon his return. However WCW went a different route and we got we saw.

As I’ve stated earlier, Foley has returned in a semi-active role as the captain of Team Foley. What do you all think of Team Foley? What do you all think of Team Punk?

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